SFIRP is currently paused in its efforts.

Protesters with a sign reading "skin color is not reasonable suspicion"

We are San Francisco residents working to interrupt racial profiling on social media and in public life. Our mission is to prevent harm, injury, and stigmatization of People of Color.

Mission: Interrupt Racial Profiling 

Our mission is to prevent harm, injury, and stigmatization of People of Color channeled through social media or experienced in community life. We know that People of Color are often the most targeted online and we therefore act to interrupt the processes that allow the targeting of People of Color. We seek to honor and embrace People of Color for this population's true character and demonstrated contribution to their community. We know that through unveiling the cloud of online conversations, exposing and mitigating harmful input both here and in our communities, we can create safe and welcoming neighborhoods.

Vision:Truth and Reparations

We recognize that traditionally marginalized communities, especially Black people, are the primary target of hate crimes in California, as well as nationally. We therefore seek to interrupt those activities--both online and in our physical communities--that target People of Color with hate and abuse. We seek to offer healing support to those People of Color harmed and injured by abuse through Restorative Justice, calling in willing parties to healing circles for Truth and Reparations, the making of amends. Then and only then will we realize a beloved community. 

Values: Challenge Campaigns That Target People of Color

We challenge social/political movements that involve targeting People of Color.  We believe the focus of resistance movements should be fighting at the institutional and systemic levels, rather than targeting individuals, which simply recreates the oppressor/oppressed dynamic. Further, because of the false and misleading stories that fuel the internet, we follow the example of Zoe Quinn: we reject strategies such as hacking, online stalking or doxing tactics. We also reject deliberate intimidation and harassment in real life, as these are some of the very same activities we aim to interrupt and end. Instead, we will surface instances of racial bias and racial profiling and will follow the practice of “calling in” as opposed to “calling out.”

Peaceful nonviolence resistance doesn’t leave anyone wounded in its wake, it takes the moral high ground and leads the way to the moral high ground.  We also follow the example of Martin Luther King Jr. who stated:

“Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men. 
It is the 
refusal to defeat any individual. 
When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty and power,
 you seek only to defeat evil 

Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love, but you seek to defeat the SYSTEM."